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The Gym is No Place for Nursery Rhymes

Train insane or look the same.

We’ve seen the phrase plastered on the walls of the gym, printed on t-shirts and the backs on cell phone cases, but is it a good idea?

Is It Right Just Because It Rhymes?

With phrases like “happy wife happy life” and proverbs like “as a man lives, so shall he die; as a tree falls, so shall it lie,” people’s faith in a rhyme’s ability to provide life advice is at an all-time high.

And it’s all because a handful of people created verses that apply to everyday life.

Rhymes and slogans are a great way to learn and remember things, and while it sounds cool to recite them, it doesn’t mean that you should adopt the catchy wordplay as your new mantra – especially when it comes to working out.

Train Insane or Remain the Same!

For some reason, when you think about “train insane or remain the same,” it almost always seems like the person who says it is shouting it out to hype up themselves or their client, and in doing so gets the attention of everyone around them.

The motivation oozing out of the phrase is praiseworthy, but is it necessary?

What does it mean to train insane?

Is it …

  • Running nonstop on a treadmill at its full speed?
  • Holding a plank for 5 minutes like Beyoncé once admitted to doing?
  • Doing pushups with someone sitting on your back?

Insanity can be interpreted differently, and what may be insane for you might be child’s play to someone else.

The truth is, however boring it may be, results come from consistency. This includes consistently working out and making healthy choices, as well as putting in the extra effort when necessary.

There’s no need to train insane, because your body won’t remain the same. That’s a rhyme that you can add to your ever-growing list.

The People Who Say It

There are two groups of people who swear by this phrase, the main difference being those who think that they do it, and those who actually do it.

  1. The people who think what they’re doing is insane
    Many of the people who frequent the gym like to think they know everything. In actuality, they lack the proper technique for many of the basic exercises in their routine. Doing 100 leg raises with half bent legs or doing 75 deadlifts with an arched back doesn’t meet the insanity mark, and it’s rather foolish and could potentially lead to injury.
  2. The people who are actually insane
    You hear them grunting while you warm up on the stair master, and you give them their space in the weight room because you know that this group embodies the famous saying. Working out and seeing the results can be addictive, and there are some people who always look for new ways to push their limits, often doing some outright stupid things. Stacking the leg press machine to the point where there is no more space for weight plates and rollerblading on the treadmill are a few of the many things this group has done.

How to Make Real Progress

Many people have a voice in their head telling them that they can do more when it comes to training.

While it’s a helpful motivator, it can also be very dangerous.

Not every workout needs to push you to or past your limits, because it can be counterproductive. Going hard during every workout does not give your body enough time to recover, and can lead to making critical mistakes.

Feeling like you’ve accomplished something after leaving the gym is one of the best sensations that you can experience, but you don’t need to train insane to give you that feeling.

It’s good to push yourself, but knowing when to stop and when things are too much are your best guides when it comes to working out.

Although there are some phrases which should be put on a ban list, like the topic of this article, this Dr. Seuss quote is an exception: “Step with care and great tact and remember that life’s a great balancing act.” Remember that the next time you go to the gym.



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